Youth Resource Library

Learn about Climate Change

Project Drawdown

A solution-oriented guide to responding to climate change.

Climate Atlas of Canada

This multi-media tool supports climate education and action by bringing together climate science, mapping, storytelling, Indigenous Knowledges, and community-based research. Map tool displays climate projections for Thunder Bay and other regions.

NASA Climate Change

Compiles global impacts of climate change with a focus on the scientific background. Eyes on the Earth tab explains and maps the vital signs (e.g., carbon dioxide, ice sheets).

Climate Justice Organizing Hub Wiki

A wiki directing users to explanations and articles of climate justice related topics.

Explore Local Resources

Thunder Bay Public Library Environmental and Climate Collection

List of books about climate change and the environment, including the location and availability status of each book. Collection can be sorted by genre, format, region, and more.

City of Thunder Bay: Climate Change Connection

Climate resources that are useful for those in Thunder Bay and the surrounding area.

City of Thunder Bay: Climate Plans and Strategies

EarthCare Thunder Bay website, which links to the municipality’s Net Zero Strategy, Climate Adaptation Strategy, and Sustainability Plan.

Lakehead Region Conservation Authority

Community-based environmental agency in the Lake Superior watershed working in restoration, conservation, development and management of natural resources. Link directs to list of climate change fact sheets.


Information about Lake Superior, particularly the remediation and rehabilitation sites in the Thunder Bay region.

Climate Change Quick Guide for Northwestern Ontario

A short resources outlining climate terminology and expected impacts of climate change in Northwestern Ontario.

Climate Change and Health in Northern Ontario

A report outlining the health impacts of climate change in Northern Ontario

Climate Justice Resources

Youth Climate Lab Toolbox

Toolbox of resources developed to support youth in climate action. Includes reports, audio blogs, conversation cards, and how-to guides for topics like storytelling and working within municipal systems.

Indigenous Climate Action Publications

List of climate reports grounded in Indigenous sovereingty and knowledges. Publication topics include just transitions, decolonizing climate policy, and assessing the needs of Indigenous youth in the climate realm.

Canadian Climate Institute Indigenous Perspectives Program

Annual case studies led by Indigenous peoples and communities relating to climate change.

Storytelling and Climate Art

Art for Climate Justice - Youth Climate Lab

Examples and prompts on how art can impact social change. Report developed in partnership with students at Dalhousie University.

Storytelling for Climate Action- Youth Climate Lab

The purpose of this guide is to re-imagine how storytelling can be used as powerful, practical tool to catalyze climate justice.

Digital Storytelling Toolkit -

Outlines how to find your story, decide which tools to use to tell that story, and strategically share story when complete.


Toolkit co-created by emerging young creatives and environmentalists to demonstrate how to advocate for better futures through digital media.

Creativity for the Climate - Youth Climate Lab

Workbook designed to grow information into creative expression.