2023 Gathering Schedule

Saturday November 25, 2023

Happening at The Baggage Building Art Centre

(8:00 Doors open for set-up)

10:00 Opening: Steering committee, Elder Sheila DeCorte & Sisters of Turtle

Island. Story of hope, and the intention behind this.

10:15 Topic # 1 Talking about talking & actions that speak

Introduced by Keira Essex, Matt Roy & Heather McLeod

Break-out Sessions include: 

  • Keira Essex on building connection to place and yourself through quiet commitment and mindfulness

  • Matt Roy discusses how (and when) to engage with climate change deniers and the psychology involved in changing minds.

  • Heather McLeod discussion on talking climate a la Katherine Hayhoe

Also introducing their organization:

-Dave Spies and Protect Our Winters

11:15 Topic #2 Engaging Successfully with Government & Corporations part 1

Introduced by Summer Stevenson, Madison Dyck & Warren Bernauer

Break-out Sessions include:

  • Summer Stevenson’s workshop on making a Deputation to Thunder Bay City Council

  • Madison Dyck discussion on suing the Ontario Government for failure to commit necessary Climate Action

  • Warren Bernauer discussion of intervening in Environmental Assessments

12:15 Lunch & beverage service catered by Willow Springs Creative Centre with potluck contributions gratefully received!

1:15 Topic #3 Actions speaking rather than words

Introduced by Madison Dyck & Heather McLeod

Break-out sessions include:

  • Ken Shields & the Biking Vikings outside share tips for winter bicycle commuting

  • Lisa Prosyk will lead a participatory workshop to develop a guide to climate action - from daily decisions to political actions

  • Science North shares hands-on climate-science learning activities outside

  • Nancy Saunders introduces Thunder Bay Repair Cafe & discusses the right to repair

  • Lucie Lavoie discusses backyard food gardening & in house food storage

  • Kathleen Baleja invites you to add your words to the Art Gallery of the Earth

2:15 Topic #4 Engaging Successfully with Government & Corporations part 2

Introduced by Bekeme Olowola & Richard Wong

Break-out sessions feature:

  • Our group discussion begins with themes of unblocking impediments to communication, how to best be heard, developing shared visions, and then moves to defining success from governmental, corporate, and community perspectives, and ends with three Ontario-made case studies of community engagement initiatives.

3:15 Topic #5 Connection, Stewardship and Society

Introduced by Elder Sheila DeCorte

Break-out Sessions feature:

4:15 Vernissage

Introducing Gathering Artists and their role now & in the coming months

Shelby Gagnon, Keira Essex, Robin Faye, Elizabeth Pszczolko, Madison Dyck, Kathleen Baleja

Until 5:00 Informal Social time (all are welcome to stay even longer and help clean up!)

7:00 - 10:00 Meet up at Lakehead Brewery for an informal chat and a beer!

Sunday November 26, 2023

Happening at Roots Community Food Center.

(8:00 Doors open for set-up)

10:00 Welcome includes Peter Lang leading us in a song

10:15 Two simultaneous topics for you to choose between:

11:15 Paul Berger will facilitate a group discussion, “Strategy and Tactics for Activism in the Dying Days of Fossil Fuels"

Noon Lunch 

Featuring soup from the Seed to Soup workshop, soup catered by Willow Springs Creative Centre & potluck contributions

1:00 Topic #8 Future Food Systems in the Northwest 

Introduced by Brendan Grant & Sarah Siska

2:00 Topic #9 Social Justice Futures

Human rights activist Tracey MacKinnon and land use planner Thora Cartlidge engage participants in exploring why extreme weather events hit the most vulnerable in the region the hardest and how to create a more just future for those living 'on the edge' in a changing climate.

Cynthia Nault discusses the pandemicene and incorporating disability justice into climate justice

3:00 Topic #10 Big community projects

We brainstorm how to unlock and shape projects discussed over the weekend, from many perspectives - Introduced by Richard Wong, Summer Stevenson & Heather McLeod

4:00 The Wrap: Progress Planning, we agree on next steps & shared values

Led by Kevin Brooks & Heather McLeod

We come to some consensus on our shared values & goals for the coming year as a group 

5:00 Formal Closing with Sisters of Turtle Island Women’s Drum Group.

Followed by informal time to socialise (including opportunity to decorate a tote bag keep-sake led by Shelby Gagnon

6:00 Feast

6:30 Open Mic - Share your Favourite Moment or Take-Away

8:00 Clean up (all are welcome to stay & pitch in!)

Interested in Volunteering?