Northwest Climate Gathering

Annual Climate Gathering 2024

The second annual Northwest Climate Gathering is on Saturday, October the 19th at Lakehead University’s Faculty Lounge. Inspired by community voices expressing how the Gathering has connected them with others passionate about climate change, this year’s theme is “You are not Alone”. Join us for a day of connection and change with an intergenerational community of the climate-concerned and climate-curious. For details, visit our Annual Gathering page here.

Register for the Climate Gathering here. This event is free and open to all ages and community members.


  • "Such an inspiring event with fresh ideas for moving forward as the climate changes around us.”

    Lucie LaVoie

  • “I was asked by Shelby how I keep going after all the ups and downs on the active Transportation file. I credited my supporters and specifically the Northwest climate people and named you and Heather for keeping me going!”

    Ken Shields

  • "What an exciting opportunity the first Northwest Climate Gathering was for us to meet a diverse group of like minded people and learn about ways to become involved in climate action in Thunder Bay. We learned so much from everyone that we spoke with and the presenters that we listened to. The workshop sessions during the weekend were very helpful in defining our new role in climate advocacy. Can't wait for the next gathering."

    Marg Woods

  • “This gathering filled my cup and re-instilled hope. It’s a perfect event to showcase the great community growing around local climate action, and an even more perfect opportunity to get involved.”

    Michaela Bohunicky

  • "Attending and speaking at the premier Northwest Climate Gathering last year was a deeply fulfilling experience for me. I was particularly enthused to be surrounded by a group of like-minded individuals, all passionate about creating meaningful and selfless contributions to their communities. The opportunity to share the stage with Richard Wong to speak on the critical topic of ‘Engaging Successfully with Government & Corporations’ resonated with my commitment to fostering collaboration and shaping sustainability thinking within corporate and community systems. Events like this are vital for creating the consensus needed to drive sustainable development, and I look forward to building on these foundations for the benefit of the region."

    Bekeme Masade-Olowola

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Contact us

Email us when any questions, curiosities, or connections! Unable to attend but have an idea for another event? We’d love to hear it! We will get back to you within 5 days.